
We appreciate any support you can offer, whether it is your time and/or resources. There are no paid positions at The Gallatin Valley Sentinel (GVS), but there are a number of ongoing expenses involved in organizing and creating the Valley’s most trusted resource for local, city-based politics and grassroots activism. Here is a brief list of just some of the items your donations will help with:

  • Hosting various events, including a town hall on the 10-year government study

  • Attorney fees involved with operating a non-profit and scrutinizing local ordinances and plans

  • Marketing and advertising expenses (print, photography, videography, booths, flyers, etc.)

  • Fees for professionals to offer guidance, input, and original content that benefits us all

  • Technology, website, and software expenses associated with hosting the online platform

  • Our soon-to-be-announced annual GVS fundraising event

You may also donate here using PayPal:

Please note: Donations are not tax deductible. Donors will remain anonymous and will not be shared outside of the GVS organization.

GVS 501(c)(4) status pending.